
This term in Drama, students have been learning about mask and mime. They have been researching the origins and theatrical uses of masks. The students have been developing their ability to convey a story using body language, and have devised some amazing performances!

Food Tech

Food Technology Food Critics

The year 9/10B Food Technology students played the role of food critics on a recent excursion to a well-known local café. In learning about the role of food critics, the students rated and reviewed their experience in terms of ambience, service, food quality, their meal’s nutritional content and value for money. Each student then gave an overall score and made a recommendation for the general public.

As well as this practical aspect to the food critic experience, the students also learned about the origin of the Michelin Stars Awards; a system that can make or break a restaurant’s reputation. And yes, these awards were initiated by the Michelin tyre company. All in an effort in the early 1900s to encourage people to drive out and visit restaurants so that, you guessed it, the demand for car tyres would increase!

Science Lab

Mr Nabben's Science Lab Photos

Mrs Sangha's Science Lab Photos
Mrs Sangha's Science Lab Photos
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Mrs Taylor's Science Lab Photos
Mrs Taylor's Science Lab Photos
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Ms Samadi’s Science Lab Photos
Ms Samadi’s Science Lab Photos
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National Science Week

The theme for National Science Week 2017 was ‘Future Earth’. It was a very busy week, with both primary and secondary students and staff participating in a wide range of activities including:

Two poems received were very moving.

Gusty spring time winds
Planet rejuvenating
Plastic bags fly by

Ali Abbas Unia 7B